
As-Salam and Hallo friends...

For many people the act of expressing themselves in writing helps clarify what they’re feeling and puts those feelings in perspective. I am one of them...

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Susah? tengok yg lg susah...

Wifey: Hurm... tak tau nak berbuka dgn apa... Most of my friends siap boleh request their moms to cook their favourite dishes.{tension sebab nak masak tak sempat, balik lambat, by the time sampai umah dah close to 7pm}.

Hubby: Since your mom doesn't cook your favourite food, you la masak for your mom.

Wifey: Tapi org lain tu dapat makan mak diorang masakkan diorang punya favourite food.  Macam you kan anak kesayangan your mom, Ma slalu masak mcm2 utk you.

Hubby: Cuba you tengok kat luar tu {sambil tunjuk pejalan kaki yang berpeluh2}, entah dia dapat berbuka puasa macam kita ke tidak... Terpaksa jalan jauh2...

Wifey: {ye tak ye, kita ni siap ade aircond dlm kereta kot, confirm almost insaf} tapi mcm mana plak dgn those yang dapat apa dia nak makan tu... {still thought that they are just so lucky}...

Hubby: Hidup ni, bila kite susah kita kena tengok org yang lebih susah dari kita tapi bila kita senang, kita kena tengok pula orang yang lebih senang dari kita...

Wifey: Hurmmm... {betul jugak ye}... 

This conversation happened on our way to Pasar Ramadhan.  I was not in the mood, I guess it's just a sign of PMS... Maybe la... Takkan kot, lambat lagi la nak PMS... Saje je, ade je nak bebal kan... Pasal food pun, bley nak kecoh... Alhamdulillah my Paradise was there to make me realize that yes, I should not have complained but be more grateful instead... 

1 comment:

Dunia Mommy Comel said...

timbul rasa kesedaran diri bila baca post nih..