
As-Salam and Hallo friends...

For many people the act of expressing themselves in writing helps clarify what they’re feeling and puts those feelings in perspective. I am one of them...

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 8, 2012

Hi Hi Bye Bye

3 weeks ago I got to say goodbye, it was a sad goodbye, been with him for over than 4 years. 

Hubby said tak payahlah sedey sangat, it's just a car... Not worth my tears pun, car kan depreciate...  Emo jugak la kan, sebab kereta ni la jugak yang first2 picked me up on our first date...  Sedey la kan, sure dah tak dapat jumpa dia lagi. sobs...

My Kancil pun dah kena jual.  Kancil tu lagi lah, dah menabur bakti since 8 years ago... Tapi since I was not well, tak sempat pun nak ambik gambar untuk kenang-kenangan.  Takpelah barang lama jangan dikenang bak kata filem lama2...

Hari ni... Jumpa kawan baru... Nama dia "Paradise Violet"... My hubby gave me the privilege to choose the colour, so I picked "Mystical Purple".  Welcome to our lives PV... I promise to take care of you as much as I can...  My hubby picked our anniversary date for the car number. So sweet kan... Luv ya!

Please ignore muka tak sudah tu, biaselah bila keluar nearby, mestilah my face free from makeup... Yang penting, I'm so excited to take PV jalan2...  Awesomeness!!! Terubat hati yang sedih bila dpt pengganti yang masih bau kedai... Hehehe...


rizqaisya said...

babe,, your kancil banyak our kenangan jugak.. sob sob sob..

eh what car is that??? kaypoh.. kan... hahahha

Violet Grace said...

Hahaha... You ni mcm biskut chipsmore pun ye jgk, jap ade kt blogspot jap xde... Hahaha...

Iyelakan... Kancil tu la bwk kita hangout mase single mingle dulu...

Mini MPV, nak tau... datanglah rumah.. Hehehe...