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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Stay healthy and fit at work!

I found this interesting and useful tips to stay fit and healthy while working, CareerBuilder suggests:

Take walks. Get off the bus or train at an earlier stop and walk the remaining distance. Take the stairs at work, go for a stroll on your lunch hour, walk over to someone’s desk instead of sending an email — the key is to increase activity throughout the day.

Stay hydrated. Drinking water not only makes you feel full, it can also help cut down on calories from sugary drinks.

Pack a lunch. Packing your lunch is an easy way to choose a healthy option and control your portion sizes.

Try fruit or veggies. Keep some of your favorite healthy snacks in the break room refrigerator so you’ll be less tempted to go to the vending machine.

Keep a food journal. It helps you keep track of calories and identify peak snacking times, so you can modify behavior.

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