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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 19, 2012

1 Syawal 1433H

This year kami beraya di rumah arwah nenek saya memandangkan beliau baru sahaja pulang ke Rahmatullah tahun lepas.  Bukan apa, takut bertambah2 sunyilah kalau kami tak join raya kat situ...  Insya-Allah esok kami akan pulang ke kampung Mr. Hubby kat Kelantan. 

 Malam semalam we were quite disappointed that for the 1st time there was NO takbir at my late grandma's house.  I kinda expected it since Arwah Tah (my grandma) is not with us anymore.  So, maybe orang masjid ingat kami dah tak berkumpul lagi kat situ although we still maintain our weekend gathering there.

It's our 1st syawal without Arwah Tah, who helped keep our family together since our dearest grand dad passed away.  As expected, normal suspects yang datang beraya TAK kunjung2 tiba... Agak sunyi... Nasib baik most of the immediate family members ada... Mama seemed happy, mana taknya complete kelima-lima cucu ada bersama2 beraya dengan Mama. Alhamdulillah... 

All my siblings but my sister are here in the pictures, kami semua berkumpul dan beraya kat umah my late gramma.  My sister has to go back to her hubby's hometown. 

Eid Mubarak! Blissful Syawal to all the muslims out there.  Forgive me if I have ever offended anyone here. 

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