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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Beraya di Kampung

I just came back from Kelantan yesterday.  Seperti tahun2 sebelumnya, kami suami isteri mesti beraya bersama kedua2 belah keluarga.  Since arwah nenek saya sakit sampailah dia meninggal, kami beraya bersama keluarga saya dulu, then followed by keluarga suami. Sekurang2nya suami dapat spent time with his family at Kelantan lebih lama.  

Pengalaman beraya kat kampung seriously taught me to be more thankful now with where and how I live. Bukan apa, kampung TAK ada air.  Seriously?! Everyday tak ade air.  Nak ambik wudhu' pun susah.  Every morning adalah air sikit, dapatlah tadah dalam baldi tapi air keruh... Hurm jadilah, belasah mandi je dengan air keruh pun... Takkan nak jadi DIVA, mandi ngan mineral water kot... We even had to buy many big bottles of water at the Hypermarket to make hot or cold drinks.  We also bought paper cups, paper plates, plastic forks and spoons to save water.  Mujurlah kampung ade hypermarket... Orang KL bersyukurlah dengan bekalan air yang melimpah2 tu please...

We stayed at kampung for almost a week.  This time around tak sempat nak beraya kat banyak rumah.  We only managed to visit my Aunty's kampung at Jerteh.  My hubby stopped by at a beautiful mosque at Jerteh for Zohor prayer.  Unfortunately I could not join him because it was the time of the month~.  So I took these pieces... Lovely! Macam istana yang tersergam indah...

Dalam seminggu, ade "bekwah" which means kenduri kahwin. It was the wedding of my hubby's cousin.  Pastu ade aqiqah for our cucu saudara... {Owh no tuanya}... Tapi cucu-cucu saudara kami sangat comel and irresistable. Here's one of them yang sangat comel ~ Aqeef.  His big round eyes memang handsome! {still find it's hard to believe that I am already a "nenek"}...  If one sweet day Allah grant my wish to have a baby of my own, can I make another wish to have a baby with big shiny eyes? Hope it's not too much to ask. Hehehe... {Tadah tangan aameen}...
Ni la gambar nenek bersama her lil handsome cucu. Notice the pretty ocean blue jubah? Owh it was totally a good buy at Kenanga wholesale city.  It's very comfortable made of a good quality cotton.  It's only RM75... Limited edition.  Masatu my size (which is M) tinggal 2 pieces je.

Here's the fun part ~ to avoid main road kat kampung yang bapak jam tu, kami ikut jalan kampung.  Owh my... Masetu baru faham maksud bagaikan rusa masuk kampung.  Seriously jakun tengok kebun kelapa sawit, kebun getah, ba ba black ship, eh yellow ships, anak sungai yang ramai pemancing2 ikan pegi memancing ikan etc.  The most ironic scene was kambing makan daging kambing sendiri... Haddooi, macam mana tu? Ironic kan? Tapi it was very scenic betul2 sama macam selalu tengok dalam drama scenes or advertisement locations... 

Ini baru betul suasana kampung... Kampung hubby tak berapa nak kampung sangat sebab it is located right in the middle of the town.  Siap ade KFC lagi. Hehehe...

Kebiasaannya menu raya kat Kelantan ada nasi dagang.  Tapi this year takade nasi dagang and nasi kerabu but ada Laksa Kelantan and Laksam... Yummay!!!  Pastu dah tak ade orang tanya "Dah berisi ke belum" or bahasa straight forward "dah ade baby belum?"  Orang kampung pun dah tak kosa nak tanya dah.. Tehehehe... Rezeki tu kan kuasa Allah. Kami redha... 

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