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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Chocolate Chips Story

Hurm... Teringat zaman kanak-kanak dulu in the 80's (mase rambut afro at the age of 6, mama kejakan bawak saya pegi buat kat salon untuk rambut raya katanya), gigih tolong mama and auntie buat raya cookies.  My all time favourite cookie is Chocolate Chips.  Pernah bila dah cecah usia remaja cuba buat chocolate chips tu sendiri, tapi harapan hancur berkecai bila dah siap, jadi chocolate chips penyek dan hangit...

Siapa lah tak happy kalau dapat achieved at least one thing in your wishlists...  Cuba scroll ke bawah, yeay!!! I have accomplished in baking my own chocolate chips... Here how pretty they are (seronok giler!!!):

Bukan senang ni nak sampai ke tahap macam ni.  Ni ala2 "Winners never quit".  To get here, I have faced frustrations at the first few attempts. First attempt, dengan over confidentnya, buat banyak2 pulak tu, tapi lihatlah hasilnya.
Ni lah tak sabar2 ingat dah pandai sangat kan...  Resultnya jadi penyek dan hangit pastu dalamnya tak berapa nak masak... Bukan ayam penyet je ade, ni cookies penyet OK, baru punya! Penat Mr. Hubby tolong kacau butter and sugar... 

  • Kacau butter and sugar lama dan kuat sangat.  Sepatutnya kacau sikit2 je tak boleh sampai hancur.
  • Terus ayak tepung into the bowl yang ada butter and sugar yang dikacau tadi. Ayak tepung kat seperate bowl.
 Second attempt, nampaklah sikit improvement tapi kenapa still hangit ni? And the size was still big.

  • Should have done smaller pieces.
  • Hangit tu napa ye? Tak kira, nak put the blaim on the electric oven jugaaakk!!! Huwwaaa!!! 
And, finally the 3rd attempt... Tadaaa...

Lastly I took my mom's advice to just bake the chocolate chips by using her microwave yang dah berusia tapi tetap canggih manggih tu.  Baked for 15 minutes, looks good, smells sweet and taste nice! Cheh perasan...  Alhamdulillah.  Puas hati to the max... 

Sebab excited sangat tengok my chocolate chips jadi, terus bagitau kat my GURU, my Aunty yang memang expert in baking.  Until she gave me a baking book... Bestnya, tak sabar nak cuba bake yang lain pulak... 

It's true, hard work pays off! :)

1 comment:

Dunia Mommy Comel said...

hahahha berkekek saya ketawa bila baca post u ni kak ekekeke..xpe usaha tangga kejayaan ok