
As-Salam and Hallo friends...

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Family Day at Lexis, Port Dickson

Our company organises a family day event every year untuk semua staff berkenalan dan beramah mesra dengan ahli keluarga masing2.  I would like to think that it is a good idea to build a stronger family spirit among us.  Kalau last year, we had the family day at Kuantan beach, this year, we had it at Lexis, Port Dickson.  

It's my first time staying at the water chalet.  And it so happened that our water chalet was totally depan laut yang terbentang luas.  I was so excited at first tapi unfortunately malam tak boleh tidur langsung sebab dari senja sampailah ke pagi ada bunyi yang sangat menakutkan.  After talking to my colleagues about it, most of them said it was only the huge waves yang bergulung gulung menghempas pantai.  {Cheh mcm novel tak?}. But the sound of it was seriously menggerunkan...  OK from now on, water chalet is NOT in my favourite list anymore after experienced such a creepy night.

Here are some pictures:

I once found looking at the ocean gave me a peace of mind until tsunami serang pantai beberapa kali.  And now, I have mixed feelings looking at the ocean, takut dan sedih pun ada bila mengenangkan bayak nyawa anak2 kecil terkorban kerana tsunami.  Bila tengok laut yang COKLAT, lagilah rasa seram. However, I managed to catch the breathtaking sunset view.  All my life, tak pernah rasa jemu tengok sunset.  Alhamdulillah, inilah salah satu keindahan alam ciptaan Allah...

Telematch games  memang a MUST during Family Day event.  Tapi kali ni, saya tak dapat join those interesting games sebab pening kepala yang amat sangat.  Mungkin sebab cuaca panas giler and also tak boleh tido langsung the night before.  Hurmm daripada nanti pengsan pastu menyusahkan committee baiklah tarik diri awal2 kan...

Tapi bila ada dress-up game guna old newspaper, ape lagi saya pun super excited, lupa sekejap pening kepala tadi. Terus melompat pegi join buat hat, belt etc dengan newspaper.   Yang tu memang can't be missed!

Selain telematch, the sports club organised the annual dinner with the most difficult theme this year.  And the theme was TWISTED FAIRY TALE.  Kalau "Fairy Tale" boleh straight away sewa baju dekat costume shop tapi "TWISTED" part tu... Macam mana ya? Dayyym semua orang giler2 perah otak nak twist the fairy tale characters... Hurm... Can't deny that it's interesting though... Will blog about it next... :) 

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