
As-Salam and Hallo friends...

For many people the act of expressing themselves in writing helps clarify what they’re feeling and puts those feelings in perspective. I am one of them...

Thank you for stopping by... You're always welcome here. Hope to see you again.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

the Launch of "Violet the dreamer page" Now!

I recently opened a page at facebook.  I'm not calling it a "fan page" cause I am NOT a celebrity and honestly I don't intend to be one.  I am just a simple person who likes to write and share with those who care... If you do not care pun takpe... U can always drop by here, feel free to visit... I would think this page as a page where I can get in touch with those who read my blog rather than syok sendiri writing to myself only. 

My page is called "Violet the dreamer".  I am a "dreamer", I daydream a lot.  I also have a lot of dreams that I have not achieved yet... Bear with me people, I memang kuat berangan dari kecik hinggalah dah remaja tua ni... 

For those who have liked my page, keep in touch.  Sayang you all.  Can't thank you enough for your support!  Maybe someday we'll touch base,  and do something together.  Maybe kita boleh share our thoughts and experience of some of the things that are valuable to our lives.  I will definitely share some of the tips and knowledge that I have gained generally about life and love with my dear blog readers... Whooo... Or maybe we can have a mini tea party... Or perhaps we can organise a short inspirational training which will benefit each other.  Or kita boleh pegi holiday sama2...  There I go again, berangan lagik...  Hik hik hik...  Siapa kuat berangan, jom aa kita berangan sama2 kat page ni... Huhuhu!

I invited some of my close friends through facebook, sadly some of them did not respond... But why? It's totally that awkward moment when you think that your friends do not really care about you anymore {at least as much as they did before}... Yeah, I understand that a lot of my babes have very limited time for social networking, they'd rather do things for their families especially their kids.  But then again, is 5 - 10 minutes of your time to drop by my world is too much to ask... {tunduk, sedih}... Kalau sudi jemputlah "Like" my page like you like being around me yeah my lovely friends... Sorry I tak pandai bodek, tapi kalau tak sudi pun, still sayang u olz... :')

OK, I gotta go now... Zohor's call! I'll see you again soon... 

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