taken from razorblade-cookies.blogspot.com |
After 5 years of contemplating to change the color of my hair... (Well it has actually been 5 years since the last time I changed my hair colour kot, and I was blondie dulu... huhuhuhu... hehehe) Finally... I did it... I went to my favourite Salon, "Chinta" at Wangsa Link, Wanga Maju. Inilah jadinya bile rase sangat tension OK. Usually if I cried a river of tears, I would heal myself with just a facial mask or eye mask. Then I would put more makeup and dress up the next morning, I would definitely feel great after that! But this time around, I need to do something more... At first I went to Guardian, I bought one box of Revlon Burgundy Brown hair colour. Unfortunately my hair is too long that 1 box only wasn't enough to cover the whole hair. So, I decided to just use the salon's colour since it's using the HALAL Loreal hair colour. My hair now is brownish VIOLET... Wooohooo!!! Like what I wrote in my BB status "New year, new hair, new ME!!!" Yang pentingnya, my sweetheart loves my new hair! He said "You look like some Datin already"... Then I said "Owh pulleaassee, I don't want to look like a Datin but I think I look like Kristen Stewart the vampire version"... Simply wanted to annoy him... Hahahahaaa...
I'm wearing Hijab, I did it obviously for myself and my other half... *grin... Before I did it, I did some research on "Hukum mewarnakan Rambut dalam Islam". I found this,
Sabda nabi SAW yang bermaksud : “Sesungguhnya Allah itu cantik dan sukakan kecantikan dan ia bersih dan sukakan kebersihan“."
Perbuatan mewarnakan rambut selain daripada warna hitam adalah harus dengan syarat pewarna tersebut tidak mengandungi bahan-bahan najis dan telap air serta tidak bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kecantikan kepada orang lain. Ulama telah bersepakat mengharuskan mencelup warna rambut dari warna hitam ke warna lain seperti merah dan lain-lain, samada dengan inai dan apa jua pewarna yang dibenarkan syarak. Mereka semua berdalilkan dengan hadith-hadith riwayat An-Nasaie, At-Tirmidzi, Ahmad, dan Muslim.~ ohislam.com
Here are some tips. A change would definitely make yourself feel much better... And when you feel good, you'll end up be nice. And when you're nice, your other half will love you more! ;)