
As-Salam and Hallo friends...

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 29, 2011

TGIF Rocks our dull Thursday...

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Last Thursday felt like Monday Blues as it was a day after a public holiday.  Thank God we had a Group Luncheon at TGIF, Pavilion.  My office "Group Luncheon" is designed for all the staff to network while enjoying the lunch treat by the senior management.  The whole bunch of team will be there to chit-chatting, laughing, posing "poyohly", and snapping lotsa pics of foods and peeps.  Moreover, that day the luncheon was in conjunction with celebrating our CEO's birthday! He's quite sporting, walaupun muka jadi pink, he didn't mind standing on the chair and allowed the waiter to pour a lil bit of tomato sauce into his mouth. He even gave some touching speech although he had to use the sauce bottle as a mic. The waiter was totally making fun of the birthday boy. Fun-filled lunch hour!!

My food selection of the day:
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Tennesse Chicken & Shrimp.  It was so yummy until tak tengok kiri kanan dah. While giving the full concentration on the food I chewed, I suddenly realized after a few minutes, Ooops, I forgot to offer the rest, luckily my colleagues are NOT those who are in a shy group that would wait until they are offered.  Semua jadi the cute Octopus, panjang melingkar tangan masing2, nak try semua foods... I'm happy to see how happy they are when there's so many foods on the table... ; )

Crispy Cajun-spiced fried shrimp was superb!!! Nak-nak pulak cicah dengan its sauce.  Sedaaap gilerz!!!  But the chicken isn't as nice as its picture.  To me, it was a bit too dry.

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Afta I've stuffed my double-storey tummy, tak segan silu shared a dessert called Friday's Sundae with my collagues!

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I wasn't brave enough to eat the bottom layour of caramel sauce and nuts cos just by looking at it I could already feel super sweet.  Nanti sugar high susah plak...So I ate the Vanilla ice cream topped with hot fudge... Hurrmmm... Sedaaapnye...

It was totally fun!!! I wish everyday is Friday!!!

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